Every student at Greene County Elementary took a new book of their own home for the holiday break, as a Ram Reader book distribution was held Dec. 21.
The free book distributions are coordinated by school staff and paid for by donations from local businesses and organizations, including the Rotary Club of Jefferson.
“The Ram Reader program fits in with our club’s focus on literacy as we look at Rotary International’s Avenue of Service asking for service to youth,” said club president Carol Durbin. “We’re happy to use some of the proceeds of our annual auction each year to support this important program.”

During a child’s time at the elementary school, he or she receives 15-20 books in the Ram Reader program. “With the Ram Reader program we know kids have amazing literature in their homes. The kids love it because they each get their own book that they’ve been empowered to choose,” teacher Wendy Vander Linden said. “We’re grateful for everyone who makes this program happen.”